How to solder correctly
To be safe while working with plastics, just clip an alligator clip to the innermost part of the tab (where you want to solder the wire to) you are soldering and solder outside that to the tip of the tab. The alligator clip will act perfectly as a heat sink. Remember you have to heat the tab with the iron; dripping melted solder on it won't work. I will "pin" the battery connector to the lead with the soldering iron then apply solder at that point to both the iron and the tab. You know when its hot enough when the solder flows onto the tab and the surface tension disappears (the solder will appear to suddenly spread out over the tab). This is caused by the flux thats imbedded into the solder. Find the thinnest flux cored 60/40 solder you can (radio shack). You won't have any problems with it.
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