What makes us human is our ability to share knowledge.

31 January 2006

Give to yourself first

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."

-- Epictetus

Do you want more in your life? More love? More happiness? More money? More satisfaction? Then explore how you can BE more.

In the Delfin Knowledge System, Leslie Fieger advises, "You can have more when you are willing to give more. You must begin this process by giving more to yourself. Give yourself more time; give yourself more attention; give yourself more love; give yourself more of what you want. Then decide how to offer the more that you are (and have) to the world and you will receive even more back in return."

Hmmm, I didn’t know that!!

Hmmm, I didn’t know that!!

NEVER expect to meet the love of your life on a first date. This way you will never be disappointed and sometimes very pleased.

Ask for a coffee date in the first two weeks of emails. This will save you a lot of time and energy and disappointments.

Choose the time and place. Women like to be led by a decisive man. So decide/suggest the café, time and date. If she can’t make it when you suggest, reschedule to suit her, within reason. She will get the impression you are not timid and are comfortable making decisions. This is good. Make the first date during a week night. This will suggest you have a life and are busy on the weekend.

Be relaxed at the coffee date. Don’t mention past partners or that you haven’t been dating for a long time. Just have some fun and BE happy.

What is she doing?

What is she doing?

Dont think of that person that is no longer with you. What is that person doing or should you contact that person. Instead, concentrate on those who ARE with you. Remember that you are surrounded by love, and most likely to remain so.

Ask yourself "What can I learn from this experience? How can I apply what I've learned the next time I'm in a relationship?" That way, you turn a bad experience into a learning experience.

Resources Blogs by Indian Bloggers

Say No To Jerks


Avoid all tear jerker love stories whether it be in music, movies, or reading materials, until you are feeling stronger.

27 January 2006

Answered Prayers

It is best to simply ask the divine for health and help. As human beings, we are not capable of seeing the big picture for anyone’s situation. As a result, we are not able to judge what is best for anyone, including ourselves.
The Higher Power always knows best, and the general prayer for ‘health and help’ acknowledges the wisdom that exists there and our faith in divine will.
"God answers prayer in His own way, not ours."
-- Mohandas Gandhi

25 January 2006


If you know it will not work in the long run, end it quick before you get too attached.

We interrupt women

Men are more likely to interrupt women than to interrupt other men.

When women talk with other women, interruptions are evenly distributed. When men talk with other men, interruptions are evenly distributed. However, when men and women talk with one another, almost all interruptions are by male speakers.

What Men Want

What Men Want in a Relationship
by Coach Rinatta Paries

I have discovered a stark contrast between what each sex thinks
the opposite sex wants from them, and what the opposite sex
really does want.

What women think men want from them causes women to have resentment and anger toward men, and feel hopeless about ever developing a wonderful, warm, romantic partnership. What men think women want from them causes them much of the same feelings
and frustration.

The sad part is that it does not have to be this way, if only we would realize that both men and women are human beings first and pretty much want the same thing. But, you don't have to take my word for this.

I asked a number of men and women who are actively involved in personal growth and development what they want from a partner in order to build a great relationship. You will find their answers unexpected. Discover what men said they want from women as contrasted with what women think men want. You'll also find tips for women to give men what they want, attract a great man, and create a wonderful relationship.

1. Men want honest, timely, loving communication.

Honest communication is top priority for men. They want a woman who answers questions honestly, and perhaps even volunteers information. They want a woman who confidently asks for her wants and needs to be met. They want a woman who can see the truth and tell it like it is while communicating with kindness. Men want a woman who can communicate without being too critical, who cares about preserving his and her dignity.

Women think men want them to be superficial, to keep quiet about their needs or wants, and never to ask for anything. Women think men believe them to be too needy and too sensitive, and that men simply want women to get over it. Some women believe they do not have the permission to tell it like it is, that they will be rejected for speaking up.

**A Tip for Women**
Great men want and need straightforward, courageous communication without anger or criticism. One way to attract a great man and build a satisfying relationship is to learn how to communicate your truth and needs effectively.

2. Men want self-sufficient, secure, confident women.

Men want a woman to choose them out of want rather than out of desperation -- either materially or emotionally. Men need to be wanted and needed by their partners, but they want their partners to have a separate identity. Men want a woman to be active and independent, to have her own friends and interests.
On the other hand, men treasure time spend with a loving partner.

Women think men don't want women to need them. Women think men do not need or appreciate time spent together as a couple. Women believe that showing a man he is needed will turn him off and
possibly make him run away.

**A Tip for Women**
Men want what women want -- a whole partner. One powerful way to attract a great man and build a vibrant relationship is to create a full, rewarding life for your own fulfillment.

3. Men want a manipulation-free relationship.

Men want no manipulation of any kind. They do not want to read their partner's mind or try to interpret signals. They do not want to be forced to move faster in a relationship than they are ready. They do not want to be manipulated into taking all the blame for things gone wrong. They do not want to be on the receiving end of game playing.

Women think men want little or no communication, and the only way to get needs met is through manipulation. Women think men either need or want to be reminded that the relationship needs to move forward. Women think men don't want or value praise and acknowledgement, and so tend to only verbalize criticism.

**A Tip for Women**
Men will not tolerate manipulation of any kind for any significant length of time. To attract a great man and build a wonderful relationship learn to ask without hesitation for what you want and need in every area of your life. Learn to be aware of his timing and his timeline. Learn how to acknowledge and bestow praise.

4. Men want growth, personal responsibility, and ownership.

Men want a partner who can laugh at herself and who has courage and strength. They want a woman who can see her part in relationship dynamics and own it. She has to be emotionally stable. Men want a woman who is developing herself personally, and who takes responsibility for her emotional experience.

Women think men only want to have a good time. Women think men have no interest in developing and growing a relationship or developing and growing themselves. Women think men want women who are super models, and that they never consider whether a
woman is emotionally mature, kind, supportive, or loving.

**A Tip for Women**
Men want women who are emotionally mature. Maturity does not mean lack of emotions. It does mean the ability to handle emotions responsibly. To attract a great man and build a long-term relationship, learn to take responsibility for your emotional experience and expression.

5. Men want fidelity and a commitment to the relationship.

Fidelity is an absolute must. In fact, men want a woman who does not have a "roaming eye" and who can wholeheartedly commit to the relationship. Many may define commitment as fidelity plus the willingness to work on the relationship -- even when the going gets tough.

Women think that all men want is sex, and that men will leave a relationship for the next prettier face. Women think men cannot be trusted to be faithful. Women believe men do not want to work on a relationship; that when the going gets tough, they run.

**A Tip for Women**
Here is great news for those women who are resigned to the myth that all men cheat: infidelity and "a roaming eye" are as distasteful to men as they are to women. Great men know how to build a wonderful relationship, and they know fidelity is the main ingredient.

6. Men want women who know how men need to be treated.

Many women treat men in ways that diminish their egos, making them feel inadequate. Men would rather have more praise, more acknowledgement of what they do right, more acknowledgment that they are great guys who are loved and appreciated.

Women think men do not need them, do not value their opinion, their support, their praise. Women also think men do not care about many things important to women, which is why they criticize. Criticism is a way to verbalize resentment.

**A Tip for Women**
Most men want acknowledgement and appreciation from women. Learning to acknowledge instead of making your partner wrong is one of the most powerful relationship survival tools available to you.

Your Relationship Coach,
Rinatta Paries.

13 January 2006

Cats are intended to

Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function.  - Unknown

12 January 2006


A mnemonic used to remember the symptoms of mania is DIGFAST[1]:
  1. D = Distractibility

  2. I = Indiscretion (excessive pleasure activities)

  3. G = Grandiosity

  4. F = Flight of ideas

  5. A = Activity increased

  6. S = Sleep deficit

  7. T = Talkativeness (pressure speech)

Search cultdeadcowco


Search cultdeadcowco

Search cultdeadcow.com:
(image placeholder)(image placeholder)(image placeholder)(image placeholder)(image placeholder)Match case
You searched for "mumbai"
Not a goddamn thing was found containing "mumbai".


FAQ and FUQ 1. I don't get it?!That's ok, cupcake. You don't need to.

Taking the time to review

Taking the time to review our quality of life gives us a chance to re-evaluate what we are doing and where we want to go. It lets us fine-tune our direction, to ensure we are on track for what we most want.

11 January 2006

the talk test

the talk test: 'If you want to assuredly burn fat while walking try the talk test: While walking if you are slightly breathless and can speak a few words but not complete sentences, you are in the fat burning zone. If you cannot talk at all, slow down, and if you can have a long conversation, speed up!'



The source of anger

Q. How would you define nonviolent communication?
A. Nonviolent communication is a specific approach to speaking and listening. I use the term nonviolence as Gandhi used it—to refer to our natural state of compassion when violence has subsided from the heart. Although we may not consider the way we talk to be “violent,” our words often lead to hurt and pain.

10 January 2006

The source of anger

The source of anger (from higher awareness website)
"Anger is that powerful internal force that blows out the light of reason."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
How does anger typically surface in your life?
We usually get angry at someone, don’t we? We judge that someone has done something wrong and we want them to be punished.
In truth, the actions of others are never to blame. It’s our thinking - our blaming and judgment - that causes the anger. And we blame and judge because we have a need that has not been met.
In his book 'Nonviolent Communication,' Marshall B. Rosenberg advises that rather than blame others, we are better served by directing our energy towards meeting our own needs.
He offers a simple tool for change. Instead of saying, ‘I am angry because they ...’ we can say, ‘I am angry because I am needing ....’
"At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled."
-- Marshall B. Rosenberg
"How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it."
-- Marcus Aurelius

Installled orb.exe an

Installled orb.exe and started att tv in real player—gave a memory dump blue screen—maybe its bcoz my pc does not meet orb’s minimum system reqiuremenet!!

09 January 2006

this is the quote from which i learned the meaning of the word tyranny!

No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets.
            -- Edward Abbey

I learned the actual

i don’t know what I want in life!! What is the meaning of life?!!

I learned the actual

I learned the actual pronunciation word of tyranny – thhee ranny