What makes us human is our ability to share knowledge.

28 February 2006


Be the best you can be.  If you are a fireman, be the best fireman you can be.

If you are an aunt, be the best aunt you can be.

If you are a postal clerk, be the best postal clerk you can be.

Whatever you do, do it well and you will never look back and wonder if your life was worthwhile.

From- Thehappyguy.com

27 February 2006

Rich Douglas on Communication

"Always look at someone directly in their eyes when they are speaking
to you. This may seem difficult at first but it's definitely the #1 body language ingredient to make you successful when interacting with others. Note: Do not ever stare at someone."

"Always stand up straight. You never want to slouch. Not only does this make you appear shorter but it projects an image of someone who has low self-esteem."

"Smile. Smiling is your most powerful body language signal. Though it is not recommended to smile constantly (people will be under the impression you are searching for approval), you should still make an effort to appear happy and optimistic."

"Do not make repeated, nervous like gestures. When speaking to someone it's important to use body movements but never fast and repetitive ones (picture someone who is nervous while public speaking; this is exactly what you're NOT aiming for)."

"Create your own personal space. Make sure you let others know you have your own personal space and do not let them walk all over you. Note: you never want to invade someone else's personal space."

"Dedicate all of your attention to the person you are speaking with. Do not constantly look around as if you are uncomfortable or not interested. "

Stab you in the front!!

"True friends stab you in the front."

I love that quote by Oscar Wilde.  It is so true.  An enemy is someone who stabs you in the back, who hurts you when you are not aware, who says things you don't want to hear when you are not listening.

A true friend hurts you right up front by saying the things you don't want to hear when they know you are listening.  Thank your friend for telling things you didn’t want to hear.  If you act on them, you might find that fewer enemies say such things when you are not listening.

David Leonhardt

24 February 2006


“Happy Birthday to You” is considered to be the best-known song in the world. And, irony of ironies, nobody knows who wrote it.

About Confusion.

I now know, without doubt, that when I’m confused is never the time to act. I must wait for clarity.
From- Higher awareness website.

Well said Vinci!

I learned quickly that business executives didn't care about usability testing or information design. Explaining the importance of these areas didn't get us any more work. Instead, when we're in front of executives, we quickly learned to talk about only five things:
How do we increase revenue?
How do we reduce expenses?
How do we bring in more customers?
How do we get more business out of each existing customer?
How do we increase shareholder value?
Notice that the words 'design', 'usability', or 'navigation' never appear in these questions. We found, early on, that the less we talked about usability or design, the bigger our projects got. Today, I'm writing a proposal for a $470,000 project where the word 'usability' isn't mentioned once in the proposal.
By Vincent Flanders


Whenever there's a site that makes you wonder whether Jesus died in vain, the odds are it was created by Microsoft's (Af)FrontPage.
By Vincent Flanders

23 February 2006

About webpage navigation.

All web navigation must answer:

Where am I?
Where have I been?
Where can I go next
Where's the Home Page
Where's the Home Home Page

Navigation must be simple and consistent.
Common mistakes include different types of navigation on the same site, a link to the current page on the current page (home page link on home page), poorly worded links so the visitor doesn't know where he'll go if he clicks, no links back to the home page, confusing links to the home page, etc.
By Vincent Flanders

22 February 2006

John Bradshaw On Sadness

"Our sadness is an energy we discharge in order to heal. …Sadness is painful. We try to avoid it. Actually discharging sadness releases the energy involved in our emotional pain. To hold it in is to freeze the pain within us. The therapeutic slogan is that grieving is the ‘healing feeling.’"

17 February 2006

Lost touch with our senses

Today, set an intention to be aware of smells. Focus on your nose and awaken to its sensitivity. As you smell more consciously, let go of your judgment of the aromas. Don’t label them good or bad; simply experience them for their individual qualities. Also note when smells revive old memories.

"When you start using senses you’ve neglected, your reward is to see the world with completely fresh eyes."

-- Barbara Sher

Yes this is a great challenge.

"As we understand it, the spiritual journey is not about becoming perfect. It’s about acceptance, releasing judgment, and embracing everything in wholeness.

This is a great challenge for our personality. We’ve grown up comparing ourselves to others, always judging how we’re better and worse than those around us. And many of us are very good at finding fault with ourselves.

If we release judgment, then nothing needs to be fixed -- including you. Explore inviting your soul to help you accept all that is and experience a whole new way of living."- Higher Awareness 13feb2006.

16 February 2006

Science = Collection of Facts.

"If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts."   - Albert Einstein

Simple definition of Cheating

A broad rule of thumb is anything that you are doing with someone of the opposite sex that you would not want your partner to know.

15 February 2006

Took this test today!

Are you and your partner destined for each other?
Do you see eye to eye on everything?
Or do you find yourself not agreeing on anything?

How compatible are you? Take this quiz and find out!

1. If he sends you flowers
----They would be the kind you adore.
You keep telling him you love roses but he sends you carnations.
They would be whatever is in season.

2. The first thing she does after coming back from a long business
     trip is
Ask about the kids and you, while checking her mail.
Call her parents.
----Give you a huge hug and a kiss.

3. When you quarrel, you usually
Never seem to resolve it.
Keep away from each other till you both cool down.
------Talk it out and make up.

4. When you both want to spend an evening together, you
Argue like hell about what to do.
Always come up with the same ideas.
-----Make sure you both listen to what you want and try and do it.

5. When you want to know how he feels about you, you
-----Ask him.
Hint wildly, trying to get him to say something good.
Wait. He will tell you if he wants to.

6. Your partner and you argue about
Every little thing -- from what you both are wearing, to what to
       have for dinner...
Things like working too hard, not sleeping properly...
------Things like what to do for the future, how to save up, when to
       have a child...

7. You look at your single friends with
Pity -- they don't know what they are missing.
Envy -- wish you could be as footloose and fancy free.
-----Empathy -- it's just so tough to be single!

8. Which of these fits the way you feel about each other?
It feels great to be in love.
------You like each other so much!
You can't imagine a day without your partner.

And the result was:

Your score is 100

You and your partner just cannot let go of each other! Take care though. Else, you might soon find yourself living in each other's pockets.

10 February 2006

What are you afraid of?

Fear lives in the future

"We can't fear the past. Fear is a future thing. And since the future’s all in our heads, fear must be a head thing."

-- Tom Payne

It helps to understand that fear is usually a projection into the future. We typically fear what MIGHT happen rather than what is happening now.
Susan Jeffers notes that 90% of what we fear usually does not materialize. So replace your images of disaster on the TV screen in your mind with awareness of what is really happening. And don’t allow your thinking to change channels.

"I have not ceased being fearful, but I have ceased to let fear control me."

-- Erica Jong

From Higher awareness Website.

07 February 2006

I wish this was easy!!

You most likely believe that your experiences have taught you what is real and what is true – at least for you. However, what you may not know is that your beliefs – conscious and unconscious – have determined what you would experience.

Experiences do not determine what you believe. What you first of all believe is what you will experience. It follows, then, that if you wish to experience life in new ways, you need to examine your belief systems.

“Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.”

-- Richard Bach

Nightmares about falling teeth!!

I have had dreams in which my teeth are falling!! I put my right hand in my mouth and when i take a look, i can see my teeth in my hands!! These dreams were so real that i could taste blood!! What does it mean?

Teeth falling out suddenly or all at once may symbolize fear of things that are beyond your control. Permanent teeth do not come back - you may fear or be facing a major loss. These dreams reflect concerns over our physical appearance, as our smile is one of the first things people notice when they meet us. It also means that you are scared of things that you have no control over! It can also mean an increasing sense of powerlessness. It suggest a loss of beauty or physical attractiveness.

BETA TUM BADA HO GAYA ABHEE (accept the fact that you are getting old son!)

Winners quit all the time

Most of us view quitting as something negative, but it’s not. ‘Winners never quit,’ we’re told, when, in reality, winners quit all the time: choosing to stop doing things that aren’t creating the results they desire. When you quit all the things that aren’t working for you, when you quit tolerating all the negative things that hold you back, you’ll create a positive ‘charge’ in your life as well as create the space in your life for more positive experiences."
By Jim Allen

03 February 2006

JW Eagan

Never judge a book by its movie.

Reflect on your life

Regularly, take time to reflect on what has been happening in your life. Step back to work ON your life instead of IN it. See yourself as the C.E.O. of your own personal company, or as the captain of your own ship. Are you navigating the waves as well as you might?
Stepping back helps us see a bigger, more inclusive picture. Small events make more sense in the bigger scheme of things.
"Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools for success."
-- Richard Carlson